April 17, 2010

Drawings on the wall...

The latest and greatest drawings from Calvin...on my wall of course. Calvin hasn't been wanting to draw lately and it has made me rather sad, so when he surprised me with these lovely's, I had a hard time getting mad at the fact that they were on my wall...in permanent marker nonetheless. The sneaky kid did these without me even noticing, and informs me after his nap of their whereabouts. Pointing down the stairs saying, "Mom, der's an ohsan and da whale, a mama whale, and da baby whale. I draw, whid da marker. Da marker's naughty. I put it away." At least he is well aware of the fact that he's not suppose to use permanent markers, too bad it doesn't stop him.

By the way, lately he's been into fixing his own hair...oh and working hard on his fake smile.


The Merricks said...

Time to hide all the markers. At least it is a super cute picture.

Carr Family said...

so will you have the heart to paint over it? Cameron wrote with pen on his bedroom door, "Cameron and baby room" it was so cute I had to leave it for a while, but finally snapped a picture and got out the paint.

Liz said...

I love it!! That smile of his is stinking cute!