May 16, 2008

Calvin's First Birthday

To start the day, Calvin opened his first and favorite present, a toy vacuum just like mom's. Calvin always wants to help me and grandma vacuum or sweep. I just hope he keeps this up when he' s older and can do some good. It was cute, he vacuumed and vacuumed, and then the vacuum had to sit on his high chair to eat lunch. I was a little worried because he seems to realize the difference between toys and non-toys. This one actually seemed to fool him.

We weren't actually celebrating Calvin's birthday till the following Saturday, so we then decide to make Calvin's day special by doing things we knew he would want to do, so Will, Jill, Bug and I took Calvin to ride some rides, play at the Disney store, play with the dogs
at the pet store, and eat french fries and ice cream. At the Disney store I kept trying to get him to pick out a fun new toy, and all he wanted was another ball. That's ok though, its cheap fun.


Jessica said...

what a great beenie. Oh, and posting pics on blogger is horrible.
They need to figure something else out for sure

The Hansen Clan said...

He looks so cute in that beenie. I am glad he loved the vacuum - that is the same one katelyn has and it is every kid's favorite toy when they come over. I am so with you on posting pictures. It makes me crazy and explains why I go so long between posts.